The complete LIVE Stream Coverage of the Peñafrancia Festival 2015 brought to you by IMJ Interactive, City Events, Protocol & Public Information Office, PBN-DZOK & GNN TV48 Naga
Traslacion Procession 2015
[arveyoutube id=”d7-NMXjTK-0″ mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]Regional BSP/GSP/DXMC Competition 2015
[arveyoutube id=”JN7BgNqWNcs” mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]Civic Parade & Float Competition 2015
[arveyoutube id=”R104whjp0po” mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]Voyadores Festival 2015
[arveyoutube id=”G1GqExcm2BI” mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]Regional Military Parade Competition 2015
[arveyoutube id=”jcRoNHAs-Q4″ mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]Fluvial Procession 2015
[arveyoutube id=”6wDw8nq7ssY” mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]LIVE feed from the Pagoda during the Fluvial Procession
[arveyoutube id=”_1iBVegKLi0″ mode=”normal” thumbnail=”” grow=”yes”]For those looking for the Miss Bicolandia 2015 & the 3rd Regional Cheeerdance Competition coverage, we were not able to cover the event live or in full due to logistical and technical difficulties on the day of the event.
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